Friday, January 1, 2016

Christ in you the hope of glory!

Happy New Year, greetings to all! We have entered a brand new year, glistening with hope!  I pray to be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. I only want what He wants for me! No longer I, me or mine but all for Him. When we turn our focus solely to Jesus and place ALL things in His hands. We can begin to live free; again not saying that this is an easy task. We continue to pick things back up that we have declared to Him for His care. Never giving up He will always be so patient with us and our current state of mind. Because all things have already been taken care of for us. I believe it is a matter of our mindset as to where we are in the process of believing, of letting go. He has delivered us from the powers of darkness, that is what was accomplished on the cross. God has been speaking to me about the darkness, it is not the absence of darkness it is the presence of light. I know we hear that all the time, but to live from that place is entirely different. I believe it is His desire for us to step into the darkness, shine His light for all to see! He lives in us and no power of darkness can harm us if we believe in what was accomplished on the cross. That is not to say put ourselves in harms way or in my case in situations that could cause a relapse. People say well if God has delivered you from something then it should not be a problem, yes of course but I believe all people are different and not to overly tempt us to use wisdom in all cases. I personally still do not like to be around a lot of alcohol, yes it makes my heart sing with the gladness that I am no longer captive to it. On the other hand it makes me very uncomfortable to be around so to step into darkness with wisdom is the word I am getting. I love the way the Lord works with us he is always so patient. Yay God!!

Here we are in a New Year, for those of you who do not know my daughter will be having a baby the first part of May. Yes I will officially be a "Nana" you can call me that starting now so I can get used to it. I still feel like a young person myself, yes of course more aches and pains but until I look in the mirror, I hardly even pay attention to my age. I have had to get more serious down here but I will continue to pursue Joy in all areas. I take things too seriously and as I have been told, can drowned myself in a glass of water. That has to do with the lies of the enemy, making things bigger then they seem. Like a shadow monster when you turn on the light the truth will be revealed. We are the light, we carry the truth, it lives inside of us. We are not who we were in the past, those feelings are not accurate. I tend to feel like I bother people all the time, like I am in their way. Those are feelings from the past, not who I am today not the person that God is creating in His image. Again Yay God!! I want to express it is not about what we do it is about who we are, Who we carry inside of our earthen vessels. He will direct our steps and we will have no worries or concerns as long as we listen and obey! 

On that note let's talk about the Christmas party in Valle de las Palmas, Polvorine. Ron and the group came down the middle of December and it was Ron, Gary, Michael and Felicia and one newby his name is Arnie. What a pleasure it was to meet him and it is always so great to see new faces. We were able to hand out blankets and toys and had a great meal with all of the members of the Church out there. Cora was missed she has relocated to be with her family and have time to rest. It was not the same with out her. The new pastor is amazing we really are blessed by him and his family. Pastor Martin came from Tijuana with his wife and two of his children, although at Christmas he also had another daughter and grandson with him to visit. They are staying in the Church and in a tiny travel trailer out back. They also answered the call of the Lord on their lives to come to Polvorine and Pastor God's people. We had an amazing prayer service, different then all the other times the music continued to play and it became apparent that words were not so important. It was the belief, the faith, the love, the compassion. The Spirit of the living God was all around us and people were falling out all around us, they would cover them up with blankets. We would sit and pray with them and they would wake up from the ground so surprised that they had been on the floor. Brand new, refreshed all things are possible with Jesus! The meal that they prepared was amazing as always, tamales and posole. Those are Ron's favorites and the ladies like to make things that feel his heart with happiness. The children sang with the worship band, Michael got to play drums, blankets and toys were given out with lots of God's love.
worship service

Mother and daughter

Pastor Martin

Church service


Again all this is possible because of your donations, we are making a difference in lives because of your prayers and support. God is using Frank and I down here on the front lines, we are able to help with all the preparation for TMWL for when they come down to visit. Please see Ron if it is something that interests you because I can say with all certainty your life will be changed. I only was planning on coming down and handing out blankets. My life will never be the same, I was so blessed to be able to spend so much time with the girl's in their house at Rancho San Juan Bosco and then fell in love with my wonderful husband and best friend. God had other plans for me and that stepping out in Faith of course was so scary but the Lord is far more capable then I am at handling my life.

TMWL was able to bless a Rehab center in Tecate with 100lbs of rice and 100lbs of beans. This center is new to us for visits. God placed them in our path and we immediately knew that they were a place that God wanted us to help. We gave blankets and food to them, the rehab has been open for approx. 6 years and Lolo runs the center with the help of some of his long term residents. He takes people out of their addiction and situation with no questions asked, no money required only a humble heart and a willingness to change. They are Christ centered and at this time 18 people were there, they have bunk beds and beds on the floor a beautiful meeting room/chapel lots of murals and inspirational art work. Addiction is so misunderstood, the truth is with out Jesus I believe sobriety is very difficult to retain. We support how we can and what we have.

We also made a trip out to Rancho Milagro to see the babies and the kids! God placed that orphanage in out path some time ago we bring clothes, food, formula, diapers etc. again when we can. Please lift them up in prayer for financial support and man power. Right now they have 8 babies and about 20 kids. Very humble surroundings and they have a garden in place to help with food and they grow olives to supplement their income.
peek a boo
lots of babies to hold
  Some of these babies come to the Ranch with no name and in need of so much love. It is very emotional when we are able to take people to visit and hold and love on the babies. At this time they have five girls who also live in the house with the babies and one amazing care giver. Mariana takes care of all of the babies around the clock along with the girls. Every time we see her she is smiling and so dedicated and so humble. A true servant of the Lord, putting the needs of the children before her own. Who by the way loves coffee so feel free to donate if you feel led.

God has placed lots of stuff on my heart for this new year, we hope to have the transitional home up and running on a small scale by June. Hoping for a few young men to start with and later, well God knows about later. Also my husband would like to get a very dedicated group of people together to go into the landfill and visit and spread the love of Jesus. Please pray for dedicated people who love the Lord for this part of the ministry. We need solid people who are not easily shaken! Thank you Lord for always providing for our needs. The Lord will guide and protect us always, we have a few more items that we would like to accomplish this new year, but like always God is in Charge and we are here to serve Him. We are here to be hands and feet for groups as they come to visit and to facilitate their needs and God given desires for service.

 Christ's love to all who read this, please pray for us and our Ministry down here in Northern Baja California. Ron and the team will be here again this month on the 21st, they will come in Feb on the 18th and I will be headed to Bishop for a week leaving on the 23rd. Happy to see everyone from Bishop then!!  Ron and team are coming in March on the 17th and Frank and I are also expecting Life Point Church to come down for building projects and VBS on the 19th of March, so happy to see all of them again. Mexico Medical Ministries is planning a huge medical/dental project down here in June. Please continue to lift up John and Pat Haley who we are partnering with for the food and clothing donations along with moral support and also lots of really good home cooked meals and baked goods, thanks to you both. We are blessed by all of you who support us through provision and prayer. More to follow look forward to the next update. Enjoy the new year, big hug!!
had to put this in "tired missionary" after a hard days work, still smiling :)