Tuesday, February 16, 2016


View from our house in Cerro Azul

Greetings children of God; this is my second attempt at this blog update. The first one was finished
and somehow the computer ate all of it. So I took it as a sign that I needed to wait on the Lord and another topic was going to come along. Lo and behold a fresh revelation came to me yesterday. I finally got it, the Holy Spirit began speaking about service. Yes of course serving others, giving of ones self, doing unto others, no problem we say," I am a servant". Here is the thing that I received yesterday, we must start at home. I heard Joyce Meyer speak on this recently and I thought I had already received this revelation but just in words not in actual action. To actually serve the ones closest to us as if we were serving Jesus himself. Colossians 3v17 amp. version states, "And whatever you do (no matter what it is) in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in (dependence upon) His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him". It says whatever you do, not just the fun stuff or the food drives or the picnics. Everything, cleaning the toilet or in my case the out house, the dishes, the laundry all things. Starting at home in our shelters but also in our earthly tents. Cleaning "house" for the Lord, create a pure heart in me is always one of my prayers. We begin at home in the small things and later larger things will come. To attach great faith to all that we do, even the smallest of tasks.  Give it a try, pray over the bathroom as you clean it, ask for the next person who enters to experience God in a new way a huge wave of love, or the next person who touches a dish that you have washed. The possibilities are endless we serve a Mighty God!!

Ken Cluff
Birthday party at Sister Juanita's

Rehab Center in Tecate
Art work in their meeting room/chapel
Here are some pictures of the Rehab center that I spoke about in the last blog, I wanted to give you guys a visual.

Ron "To Mexico with Love" came down last month with Ken Cluff. Ken is the first person Ron ever came down to Mexico with approx. 29 years ago. Ken was a college student then and Ron came along as his partner for the trip. Ron fell in love with Mexico and the people and their humble and loving spirits, he has continued to come down ever since. Many lives have been changed by Ron's decision to come to Mexico, including mine. This is a great example of how the Lord uses His people, one step of obedience can impact the lives of so many. We are so blessed to have Ron in our lives.

Frank and I were able to surprise Ron with a birthday party at Hermana Juanita's house, (they did all of the work all we had to do was get Ron there without him knowing about it). Juanita and her family are some of the first people God was able to help thru Ron. He is continuing to help them by raising money to send her girls to College. Juanita has five girls and four boys and her husband committed suicide approx. 15 years ago, her youngest daughter has down syndrome. They are the most loving family, you can see the Holy Spirit in them shining out! It is an incredible sight, to hear them all praying together. I love this family!

God has also placed an amazing woman named Laura in our paths. She runs a shelter for the Kumiai children. She has three different locations with approx. 150 kids and young adults. The Kumiai are some of the indigenous people in the area, they receive no help from the Mexican government. We have been collecting donations for them from different groups. They are in need of almost everything, food, clothing, blankets, towels, bedding etc. If the Lord places it in your heart to donate to us for them please contact me at debmverdin@gmail.com, or see Ron.

Prayer requests:

*Ron and the team will be down this week, please lift us up for an overflow of the Living Water. I will be headed back to Bishop with them to visit and attend my daughter's baby shower. Please keep us in your prayers, I am almost a "Nana".

* Pat and John Haley need prayer, John fell and broke his knee and has been non-weight bearing for the last 6 weeks.

* As always prayer for the Ministry down here, for increased provision, workers, (the harvest is ready), guidance and direction.

Future visits/events:

*"To Mexico with Love" will be coming down March 17th for prayer and healing trip.

*Lifepointe Church from Elkgrove, CA coming down March 19th for building projects and VBS.

*Calvary Bible Church in Marshfield, WI coming down June the 4th to work with Pastor Ezekiel's church and doing some projects for the community in Cerro Azul.

*Mexico Medical Ministries is having a medical/dental brigada June the 18th in Cerro Azul.

Thank you for all that you are doing for us down here in this part of God's kingdom, Christ's love to you!! Without your prayers and support none of this would be possible.