Monday, July 13, 2020

Love walk

Here’s the one thing I crave from God, the one thing I seek above all else: I want the privilege of living with him every moment in his house, finding the sweet loveliness of his face, filled with awe, delighting in his glory and grace. I want to live my life so close to him that he takes pleasure in my every prayer.
Psalms 27:4 TPT

Greetings children of God!! I am blessed to be able to send out an update. I have been back in Mexico for approximately six weeks, glad to be home :). I also loved the time with my daughter and her family. We started back with outreach as soon as I returned home. Frank and Jose never stopped the food for the elderly but we went out and gave out masks and food when I returned. We started with 15 elderly and are now up to 25 each month. We buy food in Mexico and also receive donations of non perishable food items from the states. God has continued to provide for us and those He has placed in our paths to serve in Jesus's name.

God placed it in my heart to begin teaching English to kids in our area. With the help of my husband Frank, our brother and sisters in Christ, Sonia, Lluvia and Fernando we have started weekly classes in English at our home outside under a canopy and tarp for shade. The method is called TPR - total physical response. It is learning through actions and repetition. Fernando is also singing songs in English to the kids and we are having an amazing time building relationships with these children. We pray with them and are amazed at how quickly they are learning with this teaching method. 

We were blessed to also have a kids prayer outreach here in Cerro Azul at Lluvia and Lupe and Miguel's home.

 We had a message on prayer from Sonia and she also brought a map of the world and we prayed for different areas in the world. We pulled names out of a hat and broke off into six different groups and prayed for six different countries in the world. We were blessed to have Fernando there with the puppet show. We served spaghetti and rolls and small bags of candy. Our hope is to have a children's outreach in a different person's home each month in a different area of the community to expose new children to the Love of Jesus. :)

Last but not least we had an amazing outreach at the landfill in Tijuana. We were blessed to be able to go and serve a hot meal to those living in the landfill. This time we joined forces with a church from Tiuana along with Brother Jonathon who is an Evangelist. Frank also reunited with an old friend who also had been rescued from the landfill who now has a praise and worship ministry in Tijuana along with a group from a rehab center in Tijuana. Also people from our ministry Para Mexico con Amor. It was a large celebration and we will be going back with the same people on July 25th. This time bringing tortas along with praise and worship. We come bringing hope. Frank was rescued out of the landfill along with sister Susana and along with brother Moises. God is putting together a group of people who actually lived in the landfill and who Jesus has rescued out. Jesus is the answer. I always say Jesus is the answer to any and all problems in the world. 

Trust in Jesus, He will not let you down. He will never disappoint. Believe in Him, He is the truth, the Way and the Life. Thank you to all who pray for us and support us financially.  We are blessed beyond measure to be able to serve Jesus in this area of Mexico where the need is so great. Thank you Lord Jesus and thank you to all who are placed in our path and give us the opportunity to reveal more of You to them. Blessings :)