Thursday, June 6, 2019


Isaiah 43:18-19 New King James Version (NKJV)

18 “Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.

Frank and Jason 

Greetings, children of God! God is on the move! We can not be moved by what we see in the natural. We must be focused on the promises of God.  He will do a new thing, He will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. All we have to do is believe! " Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen."  (Hebrews 11:1) We can not wait until we see the outcome to believe then it is not faith. We must step out in faith, our faith activates God's promises, faith is the substance that activates. We speak the Word of God, we act on the Word of God, we believe the Word of God. "For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us" (2 Corinthians 1:20). 

When I was talking to the Lord about moving to Mexico. I asked Him for a dream or an obvious sign to GO! I was hesitant it was a big move for me. I quit my job, had a big yard sale and sold all my stuff. I was already downsizing because I kept getting prophetic words saying "when you GO" but I did not know where I was going? All I knew was that wherever I was going GOD was going with me! I had been coming to Mexico on short term mission trips with Ron Graves and the group from To Mexico with Love and had gone six times in one year. I thought Mexico missions was getting me ready to go somewhere else, like Africa or India. The Lord placed it on my heart to come here to Mexico but in the waiting the Lord said "I can not make you step out in Faith". The act of stepping out, activated the Promises of God! Believing is the substance, trusting the Lord in ALL areas without first seeing. Crazy scary for me, no Spanish I thought that I would just figure it out when I got here. Well the Lord all ready had all of it figured out for me. Because one year after arriving I married Frank, a mighty man of God! We have been serving the Lord together since then, that was four years ago. As we trust in the Lord we see His plans unfold before our very eyes. We are here serving the Lord, He has blessed us with a wonderful team of people to work with here in Mexico and here is some of the stuff we have been doing the last few months. All to glorify the name of the Lord!!

In January we took a trip inside of the landfill, we had a team from here and we took sandwiches and food and water inside. We walked the whole way sharing the Word of God and bringing hope.

walking inside the landfill 

walking inside the landfill 

inside the landfill 

team Mexico 


"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
 (Romans 15:13) There is a hope, a living hope in Jesus!!

In February a group came down from Bishop and from Fernly Nevada at the same time. We went to the landfill with a small group of people. The Lord showed up in an amazing display of power. We had food bags and sandwiches and prayer. The key component to all of this is prayer. Because without God going with us and in us and before us and without communication with our power source, GOD! None of this is possible.

prayer time

Ruben and Frank
Pa Pa Ron and Clarice


Wes and Jason


Vicki and Me 

Healed !!
Also in February the Lord placed it on our heart to relocate a family from the landfill. We prayed for a family and as soon as we showed up the Lord highlighted them to us. I want to thank everyone who helped with this. Many people joined together to help relocate them. Thank you everyone for your generosity. The ministry was able to help with food, school uniforms, paperwork for jobs and school and housing, plus utilities for three months.

school shopping

school shopping

school shopping

Sonia and I went to the Tecate mission school which is on the US side of the border and shared about missions to the school kids. Tecate mission is a private school that a lot of the kids from here walk across and attend. We had such a great time with all of these future missionaries. Amen! Thank you Esther for inviting us.

 Sonia and Esther and myself, Tecate mission school 

Me and Sonia at Tecate mission school 

Also in February I was blessed to be able to take Brother Laman and Sister Claudia to visit Gods living room in Phoenix. Yay God!!  It was a quick trip we drove on a Saturday and shared at the church on Sunday and after lunch on Sunday we drove back. But it was powerful! Thank you Lord for divine appointments. For those of you who don't know Laman he is the worship leader at our church here in Mexico, Jehovah es mi Pastor. Him and his wife Claudia are part of the ministry. Like I said the Lord has blessed us with an amazing group of people down here to serve with.

Laman at God's Living room Phoenix 

Not to leave out we gave Pa Pa Ron a surprise birthday party when he was here in February. His birthday was in January but we celebrated it again when he came down for his visit. Happy 80th birthday, we love you!!

Pa Pa Ron 80th birthday 

We started food bags to the elderly in March. Once a month we deliver a large bag of food to thirteen elderly families with the help of Jose and some of his little helpers. Thank you to all that have donated to the feeding program. It is a huge blessing to those in need of food. The Lord has placed a special focus on the elderly for us.

Ron, Wes and myself


Pastora Maria La Verde had a special Saturday service at the landfill church for the women that live there and the women that come from near by to attend church. The church is pastored by Pastor Martin Blanco and his wife. They are from Bakersfield and the Lord has led them back to Mexico to serve at this church in the landfill. We are blessed that Pastor Martin lets the ministry use the church whenever we need it.

Pastora Maria La Verde

Pastor Martin Blanco
hungry kids :)

Frank and Pastor Martin

We have been able to bless Pastor Martin with food for his feeding program there at the landfill. They serve approximately 150 hot meals twice a week, to kids and adults that live at the landfill. He also gives  a message of hope each time he blesses the people with hot food. Thank you Lord for abundant provision for our personal lives and for the ministry, to allow us to bless others with what you supply for us. Provision grows as we begin to give it away, the more we give the more provision we receive. My personal motto is that if I begin to fret about money I give some more away, it works every time.

In April LifePointe Church from Elkgrove came down. They come every year and we are blessed to work with them on their project. This year they built a church and Frank and I got to help with the Vacation Bible school and this year they added an outreach component to their program. It was great, we got to do a VBS at the landfill and visit an orphanage in Tijuana and also a men's hospice in Tijuana.

VBS at the landfill 

VBS at the landfill 

new church in Tijuana 

VBS at the landfill 

VBS at the landfill 

Thank you Lord for an opportunity to serve along this amazing group of people.

As for our team down here I call it "team Mexico" we started a different way of evangelizing when we go to the landfill. We divided the whole area up into sections and broke off into teams. The purpose is to make friends with the people in our areas. We try to go at least once a month to keep in touch with the people that live in our areas. We plant the seed of hope and deliverance and they see us each month and we water the seed. We spread the message of the good news Gospel. God is Love and there is nothing you can do to make God not love you! We are here to help and guide you any way we can.  AMEN :)

team Mexico 

team Mexico Jeni and Victor 


team Mexico 

Laman and Frankie 

Pastora Maria 

I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Mother's day from my husband!

Last but not least we had a prayer walk for Jesus here in Cerro Azul. It was 2.8 miles and 7 churches participated. The Lord dropped the idea into my head one morning during our prayer time. He showed me a picture of a local Pastor walking the road here, we recently had our bus route paved and I began to think what if ALL of us were walking and praying and rejoicing in Jesus! How powerful it would be and it was! There has been a lot of violence here recently and we decided to walk for Jesus. Take back God's Kingdom - Kings domain. Take back what is already legally ours by the finished work of the cross!

Also almost forget to tell you Jose got a house built! Jose is our representative in Valle de las Palmas he has know Ron for many years and he began working with us a few years back. He got a piece of land donated and Amor ministries built him a home :)

The ministry was able to help with some electricity, and yes that is Pa Pa Ron with a sledge hammer :) . 

Frank and I want to thank each and every one of you who has supported us and this ministry through prayer, financial support and donations. This is a team effort. Amen!!
Love and blessings now and always and I will be seeing some of you in Bishop very soon.