Thursday, June 1, 2023

LifePointe update 2023

 Greetings LifePointe family :) so excited to bring you an update! The ministry has planted a church in Ojo de Agua Tijuana about 45 minutes west from where Frank and I live. We have been able to help build this church from the beginning. We were blessed to be able to assist with all the aspects of construction. Thank you to all who donated toward this project-retaining wall, roof, floor. We currently have 2 Pastors at this church. Looking forward to starting a 2nd location :) all of these Brothers and Sisters in Christ are actively involved in the ministry. I lovingly call them "team Mexico". 



Our street Evangelist Jonathon is currently working on a portable shower project where he will tow the showers behind his vehicle to those in need. We have helped him with funds to start building the showers and also for the truck to pull the showers. Once this project is completed it will be amazing to be able to offer the homeless showers. Also those living in the landfill or those who recently had their hair cut and have no access to a shower. 

Vehicle #2 Yay!

Our Sister in Christ Rain was in desperate need of a reliable vehicle. She helps us with doctors appointments for the re-entry program and is also a vital part of team Mexico. The Lord placed it on our hearts to raise money to be able to bless her with a vehicle. Eleven people donated towards this project. She was surprised with a 2005 Ford Explorer with plenty of room for her kids and all of her other needs as well. 

Taco stand:

This family of nine is dear to our hearts. All of the kids are in our youth group and we are Godparents to their youngest daughter Melisa. They have a small taco stand that was in desperate need of assistance. First we helped with the roof project so they could actually be open when it rained. Previously they would have to shut down when it rained and as the sole support for a family of 9 it was important to stay open. 2nd we were able to help them to add a cement floor instead of dirt which is also helpful and easier to keep clean. All of this was done by donation. We helped them to find a sponsor to help with the floor and drywall project. Thank you to those who donated. 


Each year we do a Christmas event where we rent a building and invite all of the local churches together to celebrate the birth of Jesus and also to unite as on Body of Christ. We have found that is easier for churches to join together in a neutral location then to have it at a specific church. 16 churches from Mexico attended along with 4 churches from the states. We had over 200 people and served a hot meal along with worship, a message, warm blankets and beanies and gloves and candy/snack bags for the kids. 


Had a great time sharing with the kids about what Easter was really about. It was so cute to hear them say its all about fun and games and friends and the easter bunny but to be able to talk to them its all about Jesus! Yay! 

Praise the Lord for opportunities to sow into their young lives. 

Craft day: 

Teams from Oregon and Bishop California came down and we were able to share with the English class/youth group a craft day. Dee had 4 different Christ centered crafts to share with the kids. Alfonso from the re-entry program was helping her translate. 

Sausage sizzle and day of the child:

We held two different events on the ministry property here in Cerro Azul. The first was an authentic sausage sizzle inspired by our friend from Australia. He blessed us with the grill and we introduced everyone to the way they eat sausages in Australia. Which is just a high quality sausage on white bread with ketchup and grilled onions (super yummy). We had a message about Hannah and Samuel about you are never too young to start representing the Lord. We always say " you are not too young or too old or too messed up to re-present Jesus to those you meet." He can utilize anyone who is willing :) The 2nd event was for day of the child. Pinatas and cake and toys and yes more sausages. lol :) We believe loving on those in the community is another way to show people our Jesus. 

   School program/backpacks:

We help those kids/young adults who want to stay in school to be able to further their education. School is only free her up into Junior high school and you still have to purchase uniforms and school supplies. Once you get into high school there is a fee and then for College also. No school loans or government grants here for education. We still also hand out school supplies and backpacks each year. 

Currently these are the youth/young adults in the school program. Also one adult (single Mom) for cosmetology. 

Paulina high school 

Abby high school

Dayra finished CNA now off to high school

Luis junior high school

Lucero nursing/university

Isabella just graduating as a doctor

Keila just starting university business/accounting

Maria just graduated Criminology/university

Rain single mom adult school for cosmetology

Landfill ministry/re-entry program

We still make regular visits to the Tijuana landfill. We take food and water plus prayer and hope to the landfill on a regular basis. We have been blessed to be able to rent a home and also have brought two people out of the landfill into our re-entry program. Alfonso calls it a restoration of Faith program more than a rehab because it is all Christ centered and the whole program is about Jesus and saying yes to the program is saying yes to Jesus :) we teach the celebrate recovery program which is a Christ centered 12 step program. Daily devotional twice daily along with re-entry back into society. We focus on family and Jesus and the guys help us with all events and we also have the weekly English classes at the rental home. Each time we go into the landfill they say keep coming back and when they see Alfonso it is a living testimony to the goodness of God!

Alfonso and 

Youth group/English class:

What began as us teaching English to kids outside of our home has turned into a weekly youth group that we teach English to. The kids help us with all events and also go to the landfill with us. The classes are in the rental house and Alfonso also loves to make cakes for the kids (he is the chef for the re-entry program). We also did an English class teaching the kids how to make chocolate chip pancakes with the instructions in English. They loved it :)

 Monthly food bags: 

Each month we make and donate 40 food bags for the elderly and handicapped. The kids also help us with this along with the guys from the re-entry program. Our help with delivery is Jose who is in a wheelchair but can drive and he comes and picks up a lot of the bags and delivers them to those in need in Valle de las Palmas and Polvorin.  Some of the food is donated and some of the food we purchase down here. We give out over 100 pounds of beans and 100 pounds of rice each month along with canned goods and non-perishable food items. We also hand out adult diapers when we have them the ones in need. 


I (Deborah) have also started a womens celebrate recovery program. To help women in need of healing. At this moment it is just one person but we hope to add more to our group as time moves on.

 As far as Frank and myself go we are blessed daily to be able to do the Lord's work on a full time basis. Our ministry works with multiple churches in the United States and multiple churches in Mexico. We have more then accomplished our goals for this year and it is only June :) the Lord provided for the needs of so many.  We are still praying for more people to leave the landfill and join us in our re-entry program. They call it Casa de restauracion or house of restoration. We would also like prayer for the ministry property we would like to start growing gardens and also some livestock -  chickens, a cow and possibly bees. The Lord said to me "garden of Eden" when I asked Him about the property. We would love your prayers for this project! We are so blessed to be able to partner with you and look forward to the future. Let me know if you need any more information. Also almost forgot we will begin to do a monthly pizza outreach in the rental house for our area, all are invited we have found its a great way to minister to those who would not go to church but will not say no to pizza. lol We used to do it in the past but had to give back that rental but now the Lord has provided us with a 2nd rental next door to the previous one. We have also been blessed to be able to sow into 3 other rehab centers as the Lord provides we are able to bless them with 100 lb. bags of beans and rice. We give away what we have to those in need and wait on the Lord to provide for us. We believe that is how the Kingdom of God works. Blessed to be a blessing :).  Yay God and also Yay to LifePointe :) We still host groups and would to see some people from LifePointe down here again. Thank you for all of your support!