Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Pizza and Prayer :)

Greetings one and all!! God is Love!! Loving God and His people is an honor.

Jesus says in John 15:17 "These things I command you, that you love one another." It does not say to love one another only if you agree with the person or if you share the same political views or religious views or even if you agree with their lifestyle choices. It is a clear command from Jesus. I don't know about you but when Jesus makes a command I think we should listen. We must rise above, the world. Romans 12:2 says "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
How can we ever lead people to Jesus if we are not in unity in the body of Christ. We must look past the things that we do not agree upon and focus on the truth. Jesus said, and "I am the the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6  To come together as one body to save the lost, the lonely and the broken and those who have lost all hope. We must look beyond our differences and focus on the TRUTH. Jesus died to set us free from the bondage of this world and as Christians it is an honor to love and guide God's people. My prayer always is "Lord help me to love them like you do".

Wow, wow, wow so much is going on down here in this part of the Kingdom and I just read the other day that Kingdom means Kings domain. That brought such revelation to me. Each day is a new experience with the Lord to see what new things He can reveal to me. I was able to visit Bishop, Ca in February for two weeks and see so many people and visit with several Pastor's and church's. Yay God, and while I was there a couple of good friends gave me the idea to have pizza for the kids in our area. Buy the pizza and they will come and sure enough they did. Thanks to generous donations to the ministry we were able to hold an outreach for the kids in our neighborhood and at last count 40 kids were present. Frank shared a message with them about prayer and how they had the power to pray for one another and their families and how their prayers did make a difference and how God did hear them and He loved them. We would love to have this outreach each month to begin to plant seeds in these little lives. Most do not go to church and we are unsure of the details of their family lives but about a year ago Frank and I received a word from the Lord that our home would be like a "lighthouse" for those in need in the area. The ministry has a rental house two doors down from our house and we were able to hold the outreach there. Again thanks to a generous donation we are able to rent a house for use in the ministry. Our desire is to shine so bright with the love of Jesus that people only see Him when they look at us. Like they say sometimes YOU are the only Jesus that people see. It is time for all of US to begin to shine more brightly, so people will see us and say "I want what they have."

Ron Graves and Wes French came down February 16-19 and we had such an amazing time with. We attended a Church service in Polvorin at the church that sister Cora founded. Who now has a wonderful Pastor to help shepherd the people. Thank you Pastor Gabriel and your beautiful family for allowing us to pray with your congregation. Two groups one from Nevada and one from Utah where there also so it was wonderful to catch up with old friends. There is so much joy in your heart when you are able to serve others in such a tangible way.

Ron and Sister Cora

Me, Ron and Wes

Me with beautiful Sisters

prayer time this is her fifth baby :)

Walt with Jose and Rosa

Ron, Frank and Rosa

Frank and Ron at the Journey Church in Polvorin

Beautiful children of God

That same day we had a second prayer service at Pastor Mere's church here in Cerro Azul. The number of people were few, the rains were so heavy and most people walk here and the roads are dirt so you can imagine. The worship band was amazing and the Holy Spirit was there in full force. We had the pleasure of my new friend and sister in the Lord Sonia helping us translate and we were blessed by her company. We had the opportunity to pray for all of the people and share donuts and hot coffee with them. The Presence of the Lord was so heavy that at one point I was unable to speak or think. The Holy Spirit was able to transform this very solemn and serious woman into such a joy filled child of God in the matter of minutes. Her smile was so huge from ear to ear and we were so blessed by her. Father God can utilize us for prayer and words are not even necessary. He does all of the work, we just have to be obedient and allow Him to flow through us into the ones we are praying for. So amazing to see and even more amazing to be a part of this supernatural move of the Spirit.
Frank and Deborah

Sonia and Deborah

Pastor Mere's church

We have a website up and running the address is: please make time to take a look at it. You can also find all of the dates of our up and coming trips along with pictures of previous trips. Your life will be forever changed by a short-term mission trip to come and visit us down here in this part of the Kingdom. The next trip is in April the dates are the 14th to the 16th of April and we are going to hold a prayer service at the Rehab center that we visit. Please see the website for details also June 1st to June 4th we are blessed and honored to have Paula Friedrichsen from Bishop CA join us and share a Word from the Lord to the people in Mexico. Paula is an ordained minister and published author who speaks nationally at church conferences and women's retreats. Most recently she was in South Africa and now we are blessed to have here join us in Mexico, Yay God!!  God is love and we are made in the image of God!! Let us love one another as Jesus loved us. We hope to see some of you soon down here for a visit, love and blessings now and always. Your brother and sister in Christ Frank and Deborah.
Beautiful Bishop, CA

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