Thursday, April 23, 2020

Greetings :)

Greetings children of God!! I wanted to send out an update for all of you in this very special time. This pause button of our lives and plans. We all have so many plans and things that motivate us and things that we feel are so important. Earlier this year I received a word from the Lord about new beginnings for everyone. But I had no idea that it would be like this. A time of pause a break in our lives to reflect upon what is important.  All of these things stripped away from us. Things that we took for granted such as our freedoms.

Currently I'm in Oregon with my very pregnant daughter and my son in law and grandkids. My daughter is a nurse and her daycare provider has closed so my help was needed here.

Frank is in Mexico doing what he can with the help of Jose delivering food to the elderly and handing out rice and beans to those in need. 
Currently we are buying our food in Mexico. Instead of crossing it over from the United States. So the food bags are a bit smaller but very well appreciated from all who receive them. We will continue to bless those in need. Hoping to have things return to normal in June. 

The Lord has been speaking to me about how we are tricked by the enemy into believing so many lies. The things that we have been focusing on are so unimportant in the big picture of things. All of the material possessions that we believe we must have and can so easily be taken from us in such a short time and this pandemic has proven just how quickly that can happen. Also the way we dwell on each other's faults and find it so easy to point out each other's flaws. The time that we spend trying to acquire these material possessions or the time that we spend pointing out each other's faults is time we could be spending with the Lord. Of course we want nice things but when it becomes our sole focus it is not healthy. When we stand in His Presence before His glory we begin to realize how only seeking His face and His will are important. That going into the secret place is our purpose . To love and be loved. To soak up His love and then return it to others. Believers and non believers alike. Whether we agree with them or their lifestyles to show them love. What does that look like you might ask? First of all not judging,  we are called to tell the truth of who Jesus is and what He did for us on the cross. What He does for us on a daily basis. Then allowing the Holy Spirit to do the work. Amen :) We are here as His representatives, the more time we spend in His presence the more we have to give away. The world is looking at us as followers of Jesus. How are we responding in this crisis. What are we doing in this time of global fear. Jesus is our Peace our Prince of Peace. He is our insurance plan our retirement plan. All my eggs are in one basket and its Jesus!! It's all for Him and all because of Him. Without Jesus I would not be here I would be lost in sin in the bottomless pit of despair. Because the devil is a liar and the only thing that can satisfy is Jesus. So give it a try reflect the one you love. Reflect the one who lives inside of you. You are one with the Creator of the Universe. Spend time in His Presence and give it all away and repeat again and again. I love you guys!! Thankyou so much for all of the prayers and support. 

Things the Lord has placed on my heart for the future. 

A children's prayer room, training up the children to be part of our front line in prayer. 

Continued support and visits to the Tijuana landfill with Pastor Martin Blanco

The Church on the Mountain property in Cerro Azul, a community center for all to meet in a neutral location. 

Working with team Mexico to spread the love of Jesus to those in Cerro Azul and surrounding areas.

Continue feeding the elderly 

Continue the school program helping with backpacks and uniforms and school tuition 
Please join us in prayer for the future. Blessings now and always. 

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